matric exam

matric exam


Time : 3Hrs.15minutes                                                                                                 [  Full Marks 100]

परीक्षार्थीयों के लिए निर्दश  :

  1 . प्रश्न - पत्र के इस पृष्ठ के उपर  प्रश्न - पत्र का सीरिज अक्षर अंकित है ।
        The Series  Alphabet of this question paper has been printed on the top of this page .
  2. अपनी उतर पुस्तिका में दियें हुए स्थान पर अपने प्रश्न - पत्र के सीरिज अक्षर की प्रविष्टि करें । यदि आप अपनें सीरिज अक्षर की प्रविष्टि उतर पुस्तिका में असफल होतें है तो आपकी उतर पुस्तिका का मुल्यांकन नहीं हो सकेगा ।
Fill in the  Series  Alphabet of your question paper in the space provided in your answer book . If you fail to enter your Series Alphabet in  your answer book the  answer book may not be evaluated.
3. परीक्षार्थी यथासंभव अपने शब्दों में ही उतर दें ।
 Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words.
4 दाहिनी ओर हाशियें पर दियें हुए अंक पूर्णाक निर्दिष्ठ करतें है।
Figures in the right hand margin indicate full marks
5. सभी प्रश्न अनिवार्य है।
All the question are compulsory.
6. उतर देते समय परीक्षार्थी यथासंभव शब्द - सीमा को ध्यान दें ।
While answering the candidate should adhere to the word limit as far as practicable.   
7.इस प्रश्न - पत्र को पढनें के लिए 15 मिनट का अतिरिक्त समय दिया गया हैं ।
15 minutes extra time have been allowed for candidates to read the questions

                                        SECTION - A

1.    Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow :              6×2 =12

       LAKSHADWEEP, the coral paradise of India  is the tiniest but most fascinating Union Territory of India in the lap of the Arabian sea. Its southern most island is Minicoy, which is unique Island full of specialties. The famous European Traveller Merco Polo (1254-1324AD) in his travelogue made a reference perhaps due to majority of its inhabitants being females and  their predominant role in every walk of life.
            Though the language of the Lakshadweep Archipelago is a variant of Malayalam but the language spoken in Minicoy is entirely different from Malayalam or any other language of our country and is called Mahi, written in a peculiar script 'Divehi Thanna'. The most interesting to note is that, there is hardly any mention of this language on the linguistic map of India. 
 (i) Which language is spoken in Minicoy ? What is noteworthy about it ?
 (ii)What type of language is spoken in Lakshadweep ?
 (iii) What two special features of Lakshadweep are given in this passage ?
 (iv) A reference to women's land is made in this Passage. What is its name ? who is made its reference ?
 (v) Where is the Lakshadweep island situated ?
 (vi) Why is Minicoy known as the island of females? Give two reasons. 
2 Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below in your own words : 
                                                                                                                                                  4 ×2 =8
  Television is changing people's lives quite dramatically. They are sleeping less. reading less communicating less with their families. In a countrywide survey, a tenth of television viewers have admitted that the care of children and elderly is getting neglected. While television has contributed to the popularity of game and sports. ironically enough , children have reported that they play less. Television has increased that general knowledge of children , in particular their knowledge of various product being advertised. They servery shows that hardly any children are watching educational programmes. The parents interviewed said their children's studies were affected. Many parents had cut off Cable TV to reduce the distraction for the children.  

Questions : 
  (i) "Television has contributed to the popularity of games and sports but the children are reported to be playing less."  Why ? 
  (ii) What changes do we notices in the lives of the people under the  influence of television ?
  (iii) Find out the words from passage which means turning away .
  (iv) Why do parents feel their children's studies are affected while television is increasing  their general knowledge ? 

                                                                    SECTION - B 

3. Combine into simple sentences by using infinitives :                                                             2×1=2 
   (i) She is very  old . She cannot do this work. 
  (ii) She has enough money . She can buy a flat.  
4.  Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :                                                                       2 ×1=2  
    (i) She remains confined    ..........................herself
   (ii) She has been appointed ......................... the post  receptionist.        
5. Pick out the subordinate clauses and state their function :                                                   2 ×1=2 
 (i) He is a boy who saved this child .
 (ii) This is the house that i want to buy.
6. Change the following sentences into passive voice :                                                          2×1=2 
 (i) She is to do it . 
 (ii) Why has Ramesh to do it ? 
7. write a latter to your friend Suman congratulating him on his success in the Board examination .  8
Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting him to arrange a film show for the students of your school .
8. Write a short paragraph on any one of the following in about 60 words :                             1× 4=4  
 (i)  Your aim in life                          (ii) Bicyle
 (iii) Science : A boon or a curse      (iv) Global Terrorism
9. Match the Words under Column A with their meaning in Column B:                                   5× 1=5
     (i) lore                           (a) variation
     (ii) encounter                (b) wisdom
     (iii) vicissitude              (c) dress
     (iv) attire                       (d) comes or passes out slowly
     (v) exudes                      (e) a meeting in conflict.
10. Translate the following sentences into English :                                                                   5×1=5
 (i) सूरज के डूबने के पहले मैं घर आ जाउँगा ।
 (ii) तुम से यह किसने कहा ?
(iii) सूर्य अभी पूरब से उग रहा है ।
(iv) हमलोग सत्य का सामना करें ।
 (v)उसे ऐसा करने दो ।
11. Visualize yourself " A Trip to Gol Ghar and write a short writing in about 80 words .                  8
Write a notice in about 80 words for your school notice board inviting  student to give their names for Fancy Dress Competition.
12. Change form of speech :                                                                                                         2×1=2
  (i) Sonu said to Rani. " Where are your books ? "
  (ii) He said to me. " Lie down."   

                                             SECTION -C 

13. Answer any one of the following in about 80 words :                                                       1×6=6
(i) How did Gillu make himself cool in Summer ? How long does a squirrel live ?
 (ii) What did the two girls do when men started fighting ?
14. Answer the following question in about 50 words :                                                                    4
Name some particular disease which is caused due to weather . Also mention its remedial measures.
What were the terms and condition of the bet?
15. Read the extract carefully and answer the following questions :                                          5×1=5
         One of  the most  significant phenomena of our time has been the development of the cinema from a turn of the century mechanical toy into the century's most potent and versatile art form.
      Today the cinema commands the respect accorded to the any other form of creative expression. It combines in various measures the function of poetry, music, painting, drama ,architecture and a host of other arts ,major and minor. It also combines the cold logic of science.
      India took up film production surprising early. The first short was produced in 1907 and the first feature in 1913. By the twenties it had reached the status of big business.
 It is easy to tell the world that film production in India is quantitatively second only to Hollywood: for that statistical fact. But can the same be said of its quality? Why are our films not shown abroad/ Is it solely because India offers a potential market for  her own product?  or are we just plain ashamed of our film? 
(i) What is the most  significant phenomena of our time ?
(ii) What do Indian cinemas  combine in it ?
(iii)  When did cinema start in India ?
(iv) What is the statistical fact regarding Indian cinema ?
(v) Why are Indian Films  not shown aboard?   
16.Answer any two of the following questions given below in about 50 words:                 2×3 1/2 =7
 (i) What is allergy march ? Explain .
 (ii) What did the banker do to know that the lawyer had escaped? 
 (iii) Who was Mr. Gessler ? How did author know him ?
  (iv) It was only your existence inside me that made me laugh on. Why does daughter say so ? What does she mean by laugh on?   
17.Answer any two of the following questions given below in about 20 words:           2×1 1/2 =3
 (i) How many character are there in the story January Night ? List them.
(ii) Why did the banker weep to read the notes of the lawyer ?
(iii) What did mother feel after going thorough her daughter's letter ?
(iv) Why did narrator leave the girl he loved so passionately ?
18. Read the extract carefully and answer the following questions :                                           5  ×1=5
   Due to my important papers and letters, my room used to remain locked in the absence. The moment of the room was opened on my return from college and I stepped in Gillu would rush on to me and climb up and down from my head to toe. Since then, this had become a regular practice. On my leaving the room. Gillu would also make an exit through the wire mesh opening of the window. He would spend the whole day with his lot ,jumping,prancing up and down the branches.
(i) Name the title and its author.
(ii)Why is the author's room locked in his absence ?
(iii) Who is gillu ?
(iv) What does Gillu do on opening of the room ? 
(v) How Gillu spend its whole day? 
19. Read carefully the given stanza and answer the following question                                       4×1=4
              Like a bird
  his heart is twittering panting
he is sweating and out of breath
            A hut on the cliff
 his son shivering with cold
           woes of hunger
the mother searching for nettles and vines.  
(i) How does the poet give us an idea of time ?
(ii) What made the poet in grief?
(iii) Why is the porter's son shivering?
(iv)Explain nettles and vines"
20 . Answer only four question given below :                                                                       4 ×1 1/2 =6 
(i) Where do you find health and virtue?
(ii) What does the poet wish after death?
(iii) Who is a happy man?
(iv) What makes thousand memories in heart ?
(v) what does he do to satisfy his ambition 
(vi) What is meant by lid of night?                                                                 

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